So ya. I am sick. got a stupid cold. Of course I am working, can’t miss any money even though I have sick time. I get a bit more for working nights, and today is holiday pay so I can’t miss that extra bit of money. I went to the optometrist on Wed, I got my subscription updated and got new glasses. It is about time, the last glasses I got the nose things broke off and have been using them that way for way too long and my astigitism has gotten a bit worse especially in my right eye so there is that. New glasses in a week or so. It is also a good thing because the glasses I have now are all scratched up as well.
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Last week I spent time with my mom. We went to the Manatee viewing center in Apollo Beach and saw a ton of manatees. The weather has been cold the last couple of weeks so it has been perfect for them all to be there. There were even baby manatees there too! There were a lot of people there too, we had to park in the overflow parking lot. After spending some time there we went to Vine vegan and had lunch. They are always good. Then we spent a few hours at her house spending time together and talking with her and a couple of my brothers. I have 4 younger half brothers! Why is it that even though I am making more money than I have ever made I still feel the poorest I have ever felt and still struggle to make ends meet? I live in the worst and smallest place I have ever lived in, have the shitiest car, and feel like at any moment I am going to just lose it all and be on the streets. I really think it is sad, St Pete over the last year or so has lost several vegan
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So as you know it has been a while since I have used this blog… A lot of outdated plugins, links, etc. Working on updating all that stuff so this site might be having random issues and errors for a while.
Click to read more!I also don’t know if I posted this or not but I also found my birth mother. I have to tell the whole story but that was the TL:DR version of it. Back in 2018 I decided to do the 23andme thing because I am getting old and was wanting to find out if I had any genetic anything health wise. Also I don’t remember when but probably around this time the state I was born in allowed direct relatives like me to request a copy of their original birth certificate which I had done as well, so I had my birth mother’s name and the other details they put on birth certificates. Well fast forward to 2021, I get a message from a cousin stating that she knows who my mom is, and a few months after that I get a message from my birth mother. I was at the time not really ready for it, I mean I was ready, it was something I have always wanted to find out from the time I was a young child, but to have it finally happen? I had to take a couple of weeks to process it all and tell
Click to read more!so ya. it has been a long time. do people still do this? i feel like i have nothing to say but yet at the same time have no one to say nothing to. It feels like I am just wasting away at this thing called life. 50 years old and nothing to show for it except doing my part to polute this planet. no wife, no kids, no grand kids, working to survive and barely scrape by. No one truely loves me, no one to care for or to care for me. I just keep on getting older and fall more apart. I wish I had someone I could share these struggles with, someone to love, to argue with and all that other yin and yang that I hear comes in a relationship. Anyway, i don’t know when I last wrote in this thing and am bored so will maybe repeat myself. Im back in Florida, back in the Tampa area. I love it here despite the cost of rent being way too fucking high. One nice thing though is I found a job I like that doesn’t involve customer service and still involves a bit of skill and
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